
Sunday, August 28, 2011

Drizzle Biscuits

There's nothing drizzle-like about these traditional baking powder biscuits, except that I made them this morning during the "Drizzle of the Century," as we're now calling Hurricane Irene's descent on New York City.

But these are so good and so easy to prepare, that there's no need to wait for a storm to make them.   The most difficult part --cutting the butter into the flour -- is easily accomplished using a Cuisinart.  But even if you don't have one, you can do it the old fashioned way:  using two knives or even your fingertips.  The idea is to quickly incorporate cold pieces of butter into the flour until it's a crumbly mixture, a process that makes the dough quite tender and flaky when baked.

I happened have a biscuit cutter, but you can simply cut out the biscuits using a drinking glass, as the c. 1950s recipe suggests.

This recipe makes about ten biscuits, or more, depending on the size of your biscuit cutter, or drinking glass.

These were a big hit, especially among the evacuees (DD and her boyfriend) we were sheltering during the storm.


  1. Thanks, Natalie. These are really good and I keep forgetting how easy and delicious biscuits are, which is why I don't make them often enough. That and they have about a million calories ; ))
