
Sunday, May 24, 2015

Date Filled Butter Scotch (Cookies)

My initial excitement about this unusual cookie quickly turned to frustration  -- mid-baking, the recipe seemed flawed and its instructions impossible.  But, when I forged ahead (I will always throw good butter after bad) and tasted these ugly, odd-looking confections -- eureka! -- they were really, really good. So risking my baking reputation, and also because I have no shame, I brought these to work where every coworker agreed that the flavor was superb.

These delicious confections  -- a sweet date paste encased in a butterscotch flavored cookie -- are truly wonderful, despite their sorry appearance.  They are supposed to resemble fig newtons.  The recipe needs work, or reworking. So if anyone is up for experimenting, I've shown you what I did (do not follow my lead, though!), plus some (not) guaranteed solutions  and posted the recipe.

Mix up the batter.

Add the flour -- caution here. I added the correct amount, but it may have been too much.

Turn the dough out onto a work surface and form into logs. I could tell at this point that it was too dry.

Roll into logs, to the best of your ability. They should not have cracks.

Chill the logs and prepare the filling by first chopping some dates.

Combine dates, brown sugar and water in a small saucepan.

Cook down until a paste forms.

Remove the chilled dough from the refrigerator and slice. Top each with some date paste.

And here's where it gets tricky. After putting the top slice on, it seemed impossible to seal the edges as instructed. The dough (though sliced at the recommended 1/4 inch thick size) was too brittle to seal. So I just baked them "open sided."

Production notes: These were a fail (except in flavor) but so good that the recipe is worth playing with. Next time,  I'd either use MUCH less flour or roll out the dough into two rectangles, spread the filling on one, and top with the other. I'd bake them, then cut when warm. (Also, use butter, not shortening.)


  1. I love the recipe card, I have a few of those typed. The recipe sounds great.

    1. It is really good! See the suggestion below, which would make this easier -- and successful!

  2. Hi there,
    These look like they would taste pretty good!
    I haven't made these exact cookies before but have made similar ones, so with that in mind thought perhaps I could make a couple of suggestions that might (or might not! haha) be helpful.
    It might be easier to make these by rolling the dough out in a long rectangle then filling it with the date mixture and cutting them. They won't look the same as in the picture, but I would think they would taste the same and be much faster and easier to make.
    Also, when making date-filled desserts of any kind, it has been my experience that using date paste-dates that come in a block, all pressed together-usually work much better than using loose dates, for some reason.
    If you substitute date paste in this recipe and cut down on the water a bit, it should make a thicker paste that will be easier to work with. Then, you can roll it into a rope shape and place it into the rectangle of dough, close it up, slice it, and bake them. As I said, they will look different than in the photos above, but should taste exactly the same.
    To get an idea of what the dough and dates that I am talking about should look like, you can see them at the link below. (Disregard the recipe; the relevant part is the pictures only.)

    1. Fantastic suggestions -- the method and the paste-dates! Thanks so much; I might even try this as the recipe has such promise.

  3. Thanks, Susan :-)
    Please do let us all know how it turns out, if you try it again. I agree that it does sound like such a good recipe.
    I can't tell you enough how much I enjoy your blog. I just love old recipes. They bring back wonderful memories of my childhood and my mom, aunts, and my beloved grandmothers.
    Would you be interested in my mom's chocolate chip cookie recipe? I photographed the little booklet it was printed in, and have the pics somewhere on my computer. They are the absolute best chocolate chip cookies I've ever eaten-both soft and chewy. I can never get them to come out as good as my mom's, though! If you would like the recipe just let me know.

    1. Caroline -- I would love the recipe! Thank you. You can email it to me at visit.susan (at) gmail dot com.

  4. The recipe is on its way :-)
